My Summary Page

         By combining the outside data sources and the google trends I was able to find a correlation between states facing and researching drought and states researching water conservation. I did this by taking the top ten states that produce commodities (agricultural goods) and comparing them with other data. First I looked at the topographical map of drought in America to see which of the states were facing a drought, then I compared that data to the google trend of people researching the topic of droughts. I found that states facing drought were researching to the topic of drought at high and medium levels and that states not facing drought were researching to the topic of drought at medium to low levels. Second I compared to google trends of the topic of Water Conservation and the question "how to save water". I was also able to find a correlation between these two trends. States who were researching the topic of water conservation often asked how they could save water at medium and high levels while states who were not researching the topic of water conservation were asking how they could save water at medium to low levels. Finally, I compared the two correlations I had found about drought and water conservation. I found that the states with drought were also the states researching about water conservation and that states without drought were researching less about water conservation. This correlation leads me to conclude that important agricultural states who are facing drought are taking actions to conserve water within their state.

Here is a data table of the comparisons made between different sources and google trends

here is a link to take you back to the start My Overview.